Our Classes

Yoga with Props

This practice aims to make poses that are attainable and comfortable by using yoga props. We will use blocks, straps, bolsters, chair, blankets and the wall to try different variations of traditional poses. This class can accommodate any level of yoga!

Mondays at 5:30 pm

Chair Yoga

This yoga practice takes yoga up off the floor for more accessibility! This class uses the chair as a prop to make poses more attainable. Learn seated variations of traditional yoga poses and focus on core balance.

Tuesdays at 5:30 pm

Gentle Yoga

Gentle Yoga is a practice that combines movement, balance and breath. This gentle sequence guides your body through poses designed to build strength and flexibility. Slow-paced, simple movements help to lengthen and strengthen muscles. Excellent for deep stretching for runners, walkers and anyone that feels tightness in their legs or backs.

Sundays at 9:30 am

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a practice that is designed to allow your body to rest and relax. The first part of this class is deep stretching using props for support. Stretching is done on the floor or in chair. Props allow for deeper poses with comfort and ease. The second part of class ends with yoga nidra…. sleep yoga. An extended svasana with guided meditation. Yoga nidra helps to ease anxiety and stress.

First Sunday of the Month September-April

Gentle Yoga Therapy Fusion

This practice blends the deep stretching of gentle yoga with the relaxing benefits of yoga therapy. This practice is an excellent way to set an intention for your week. Slow down, quiet the body and allow the tension to fall away.

Not offered at this time


Y12SR is the combination of yoga and recovery. Founded by Nikki Myers, Y12SR combines a traditional yoga practice and a 12-step meeting. Yoga itself means union, integration and balance. Combining the two creates a model that truly addresses addiction as the physical, mental, and spiritual dis-ease that it is. Y12SR assists people to develop body awareness, to learn to feel what’s going on in their bodies, and to self-regulate.

Not offered at this time

On The Wall Yoga

On The Wall Yoga is yoga using the wall as a prop. Learn proper alignment of traditional yoga poses at the wall. Using the wall for balance, we hold poses longer to elongate and strengthen muscles in standing positions, and for support in floor poses for greater flexibility and increased circulation.

Not offered at this time. Check out Yoga with Props!

Yoga for Men

This class is just for men! With a focus on flexibility and strength, this class uses props to help the pose work for your body. We’ll use blocks, a strap, and a chair to build the foundation of our practice.

Not offered at this time

Yoga Therapy

Private yoga therapy sessions are available by appointment. These one-on-one sessions focus on your breath and gentle movements. At the end of each session, you will have a personalized yoga therapy to-go plan. Yoga therapy to-go will feature the breathing techniques and movements that we did during your session so that you can use them on your own. No yoga mat or yoga clothes required!

In-person or virtual by appointment. Call or email.

Group & Corporate Sessions

Group sessions are available for weekend retreats, special occasions and corporate meetings. Yoga and meditation can help reduce stress, calm the mind and are good for the heart and blood pressure. Chair yoga can be done in a corporate setting without the need for traditional yoga props. All levels yoga.

Call or email to book a session